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Raising Resilient Kids 

Shine On! gives parents/guardians tools and strategies to raise strong, socially-savvy children through the free Raising Resilient Kids workshop series.  Eight workshops taught by professionals will be presented to make your job of raising successful children a little easier. Learn the nuts and bolts of raising a resilient child in the media toxic, hyper-sensitive 21st century at Olive Ridley's from 5 to 7 p.m. on both April 27 and May 4, 2023.There will be appetizers served and a cash bar available!

Workshops will include: Teen Dating Violence: How will I know...What can I do?, How to Raise a Gritty Kid, "The Phub Bug," Raising Savvy Spenders, NOMO FOMO and more.

UFirst Federal Credit Union is the Raising Resilient Kids workshop series headline sponsor.


Misrepresentation" with Bridget Haina:

How does your child see themself represented in the media? Do those representations promote their self worth? Learn tips to talk to your teen about what they're seeing in the media and help them view themselves as the wonderful people they are.

"Emotional Eating and Body Image" with Jorunn Gran Henriksen and Sarah Yandow:

Explore strategies and tools to promote healthy food habits while avoiding emotional food cycles. Help your child develop skills to minimize future body image challenges. Learn to use food as fuel.

"Savvy Spenders" with Jody Carpenter:

Does your child beg for the latest, most expensive tech gadget to fit in? Learn tools to talk to your child about money so they can be wise spenders to set them up for a lifetime of financial health.

"How to Raise a Gritty Kid" with Michelle Gottschall:

True achievement happens when people bust through boundaries and barriers. If your child never has a chance to triumph over something difficult, they may never develop confidence in their ability to confront a challenge. Help your child learn to take healthy risks.

Panel of Students and Presenters:

Use this panel of successful college students to see what worked for them. What did their parents say or do that was helpful or harmful to get them through the hard stuff. We mean it...ask them anything!

"NOMO FOMO" with Colleen Lemza and Michelle Munn Armani: 

Understand how marketers are manipulating all of us to buy, buy, buy so we don't miss out. FOMO is reinforced by the social media we consume and companies are targeting our children.  Learn how to help your child recognize and stop these ploys.

"Teen Dating Violence" with Heather Haskins:

Worried your child could be in an emotionally or physically abusive relationship? This workshop will teach how to recognize the signs and what you can do to help.

"The Phub Bug" with Kim McCoy Coleman:

Ever been in a restaurant and seen an entire family on their phones ignoring each other?  That's phone snubbing and our grandparents would never have tolerated it. This workshop opens our eyes to how easily it happens and how to prevent this nasty habit.

"Mission Restriction" with Delbert Hart:

By using parental controls on devices, you can help your children avoid hyper media exposure, cyberbullying, and predation. This workshop will teach you the basics of how to take back control.

Panel of Students and Presenters: 

Use this panel of successful college students to see what worked for them.  What did their parents say or do that was helpful or harmful to get them through the hard stuff.  We mean it...ask them anything!

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